Upcoming events & opportunities

Community Zine: De/Composition
A locally-made zine for anyone to submit art & writing to on the theme of “de/composition”. All kinds of themes & creations (that can be represented on a page somehow) are welcome.

Sound recording workshop with Jay Myers
On Saturday February 10th, 2024, come to a free sound recording workshop from 1-5pm in Daajing Giids, facilitated by the multi-talented Jay Myers — everyone is welcome, no experience required.

HHC Filmmaking Workshop
Register Here
JULY 17,19,20, 2023
Haida Heritage Centre
The Haida Gwaii Media Collective has partnered with the Haida Heritage Centre to put on a 3-day filmmaking workshop that breaks down the foundations of community documentation and storytelling, while getting hands-on experience with professional film equipment and building/improving one’s skills with interviewing and crafting an effective story on film.
July 17 (Monday) - Foundations of Storytelling & Pre-Production
A breakdown and introduction to short-form and documentary filmmaking with a focus on finding stories, characters; developing a story structure and pre-production planning
July 19 (Wednesday) - Hands-On Filmmaking & Production
Building off of day 1, participants will get hands on with cameras, lighting, and audio gear to film a series of interviews - learning best practices when working on set.
July 20 (Thursday) - Editing & Post-Production
Taking everything that was captured on day 2, participants will learn the editing software DaVinci Resolve, workflows, and processes to take raw footage and create a polished short film.

Song Writing Workshop
Register Here
17 JUNE 2023
Gather Restaurant (223 Oceanview Dr.)
Join Alida Kinnie Starr in her second song doctoring workshop since she moved here to Haida Gwaii 2.5 years ago.
Kinnie Starr has 150 songs in the public domain and has been writing professionally since 1996. She has worked as a youth mentor since 2006 with a focus on building up emerging Indigenous talents. Starr earns a living as a “song doctor” and collaborator on songs for film and TV, and enjoys sharing her skills and tools with others.
Come prepared to engage. Bring a song you want to improve or just come to listen. All welcome!

Song Writing Workshop
Register Here
16 APRIL 2023
g̱aw Tlagée
Sarah's Longhouse
Starr has a published catalogue of 150 songs in public domain. She has been song writing for 25 years. She does “song doctoring” (arranging, modifying, editing) professionally and has written for film and TV. Starr loves the process of putting big ideas into little songs. Come prepared to engage.

Beginner Photography Workshop
Register Here!
With decades of visual storytelling between them, Helen Haig-Brown and Farah Nosh will lead this 2-day hands-on workshop.
Old Masset Youth Centre
Saturday, April 15 - 10am-3pm (Lunch break @ 12pm)
Saturday, April 22 - 10am-3pm (Lunch break @ 12pm)

Graphic Design Workshop Series
Learn the basics of graphic design in this workshop series!

Live Sound Engineering | 2 day workshop
Join us in learning the basics of sound engineering for a live show setting! Students will have to opportunity to experiment and learn practical skills by guided use of audio equipment in a hands-on setting, while also gaining the basic technical knowledge needed to fully understand the inner workings of a sound system. We will cover speaker and monitor set up, signal flow and mixer operation, feed back and EQ, microphone choice and placement, creating a mix, how to work with performers on stage, and more.
About the instructors: Jay and Evan have extensive experience with live sound and recording and have both spent years running shows on Haida Gwaii. They are excited to pass on this knowledge to increase the capacity in our communities to foster and celebrate the performing arts!

Interview and Documentary Skills Workshop - Skidegate
The basics of interviewing and being interviewed
Setting up camera angles
Adapting film techniques for documentary filmmaking in the bush
Morgan Tsetta is an Indigenous photographer and filmmaker from Yellowknives Dené First Nation. Morgan uses her skills as a storyteller and image maker to bring awareness to environmental and social causes, while also operating a successful wedding photography business in metro Vancouver.
If interested in attending, please RSVP at the link below:
HIGaagilda / Skidegate
December 18, 2022
SKG Youth Centre

Interview and Documentary Skills Workshop - Old Massett
The basics of interviewing and being interviewed
Setting up camera angles
Adapting film techniques for documentary filmmaking in the bush
Morgan Tsetta is an Indigenous photographer and filmmaker from Yellowknives Dené First Nation. Morgan uses her skills as a storyteller and image maker to bring awareness to environmental and social causes, while also operating a successful wedding photography business in metro Vancouver.
If interested in attending, please RSVP at the link below:
Gaw Tlagée / Old Massett
December 17, 2022
Sarah's Longhouse
387 Eagle Ave, Masset, BC V0T 1M0

International Women’s Day Film Screening
Islands Wellness Society and the HGMC are happy to present this year's event in honour and celebration of International Women's Day: An evening of local, national, and international short films celebrating women's stories, achievements, and talents.
Updates will be given weekly until the event. Until then ... Save the Date!
*Ages 12+
*Inclusive of all genders
*FREE admission
*concessions by donation (funds to go towards IWS's International Women's Day events)
*screening to begin at 7:00pm
*covid protocols in place - masks required and BC proof of vaccination

Photography Workshops w/ Georgia Esporlas
Haida Gwaii Media Collective Workshop Series
Learn from internationally published photographer Georgia Esporlas on how to use natural and artificial lighting to create beautiful portraits using whatever camera you have access to, even a phone can produce stunning images!
Georgia is a photographer, cinematographer and film school instructor based between Vancouver and Toronto. She specializes in fashion, portraiture, and capturing the unique human experience through creative lighting and styling.
Saturday March 5, 1-4pm
Skidegate Youth Centre - 102 Front St.
Sunday March 6, 1-4pm
Tluu Xaada Naay - 107A Raven Rd, Old Massett
Workshop is for anyone aged 16+
limited spots available, Register for free by emailing contact@haidagwaiimediacollective.com
*covid protocols in place - masks required and BC proof of vaccination

HGMC: Open House
The Haida Gwaii Media Collective is very excited to announce our first ever public events, kicking off with an open house to share what the media collective is, the goals, and have the communities of Haida Gwaii come together and help guide the future of media production on-island.
Saturday March 5, 1-2pm
Skidegate Youth Centre - 102 Front St.
Sunday March 6, 1-2pm
Tluu Xaada Naay - 107A Raven Rd, Masset
This open house will be immediately followed by a photography workshop by the brilliant Georgia Esporlas, please visit our website to register!
*covid protocols in place - masks required and BC proof of vaccination

The Saints & Warriors documentary production team is looking for community members interested in paid part-time filmmaking apprenticeship (4 positions available) and cultural mentorship (2 positions available)! See details below.
The team is applying for funding this week from the Indigenous Screen Office for these positions, so please fill out a short application form by Wednesday Dec 6th, 2023, at the latest, as your name would be included in the grant application if you're chosen to participate.