Local Creatives

Haida Gwaii is home to so many creatives that are doing amazing work in every corner of our islands, and the HGMC wants to showcase all of our skillsets to foster a community of collaboration.

If you are interested in being listed in our creative directory, please fill out this form!

David Archer

David is a composer, pianist, writer, and marketer based in Daajing Giids. Honesty, empathy, and climate action are central themes in David’s creative work. His portfolio includes music composed for choirs, vocalists, ensembles, and instrumentalists; music production for video projects; and plenty of time spent as a lounge lizard playing solo piano. David also brings significant marketing agency experience, including strategy, project planning, copywriting, and content creation.

Through collaboration, David hopes his skills can support the Haida Gwaii Media Collective’s mission to address systemic inequalities. One of his recent projects is an album of original music for piano and biosphere. His single “Primordial” is sometimes heard on CBC Daybreak North. You can support his work through Patreon or Bandcamp.

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